Women's Day Sale
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Independent Book Publisher
Woman-Owned | Award-Wining | Based on Cape Cod
Sea Crow Press is an award-winning woman-run independent book publisher based on Cape Cod in Massachusetts committed to amplifying voices that might otherwise go unheard. We publish creative nonfiction, literary fiction, and poetry. Our books celebrate our connection to each other and to the natural world with a focus on positive change and great storytelling.
Fiction | Poetry | Nonfiction

Open Call: Poetry submissions
for the forthcoming
Maiden Mother Crone Anthology
Submission deadline is September 1, 2025.
The anthology is the third book in the Crossing Places series.
Amplifying Authors
Are you a bookseller?
For Trade Orders Please Contact
National Book Network (NBN)
15200 NBN Way,
Blue Ridge Summit, PA 17214
Tel: 800-462-6420

What's with the Crows?
Sea Crow Press is named for a flock of five talkative crows you can find on the beach anywhere between Scudder Lane and Bone Hill Road in Barnstable Village on Cape Cod.
According to Norse legend, one-eyed Odin sent two crows out into the world so they could return and tell its stories. If you sit and listen to the sea crows in Barnstable as they fly and roost and chatter, it’s an easy legend to believe.

Dark Waters Books is an Imprint of
Sea Crow Press
Spine-tingling story-telling to keep you reading well past midnight. Dark Waters is an imprint of Sea Crow Press dedicated to mystery, thriller, fantasy, fiction and crime noir. The home of unsolved mysteries and things that go bump in the night, the Dark Waters imprint offers traditional storytelling with a thrilling modern edge.

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