our books are amplifying voices
Sea Crow Press is committed to amplifying voices that might otherwise go unheard. In a rapidly changing world, we believe the small press plays an essential part in contemporary arts as a community forum, a cultural reservoir, and an agent of change. We are international with a focus on our New England roots.​ We publish creative nonfiction, literary fiction, and poetry. Our books celebrate our connection to each other and to the natural world with a focus on positive change and great storytelling. We follow a traditional publishing model to create carefully selected and edited books. In turbulent times, we focus on sharing works of beauty that chart a positive course for the future.
We welcome emerging writers, experienced authors, and all readers.​

We consider connection a great antidote to the myriad problems we face as a society, and that is what Sea Crow Press is about: our connection to each other and the natural world, connections we can nurture through great storytelling and great books.
Sea Crow Press is a silver lining story from the first COVID lockdown of 2020 when we were lucky to be able to stay home and turn our attention to realizing a long-held dream: publishing great books. Sea Crow Press began with Moon Tide: Cape Cod Poems. When Moon Tide exceeded sales we continued publishing, and Moon Tide became the bedrock of an eclectic, dynamic, and growing list of titles. Sea Crow Press books honor our connection and our New England roots while incorporating a wider global perspective with the goal of creating an accessible literary fellowship. Welcome.