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Cassandra Passarelli

​Cassandra Passarelli has run a bakery, managed a charity, subedited for several magazines, set up a children’s library in Guatemala, and taught yoga. She has a PhD in creative writing, from a Buddhist perspective, and held a short lectureship at Exeter University. She temporarily lives out of a backpack and eight banana boxes with prolonged stays in London and the Cyclades, and an eye on the Peloponnese. She has published stories with Paragon Press, Cinnamon Press, and Arachne Press as well as numerous US and UK literary journals including Cold Mountain Review, The Mechanics’ Institute Review, The Cost of Paper, Takahe, Adirondack Review, Ambit, Chicago Quarterly Review, and The Interpreter’s House.



FICTION | SHORT STORIES | BUDDHISM | Paperback – $16.95 | Publication Date: June 2025 | 978-1961864283 | Dimensions: 5.25 x 8 | 230 Pages



The Three Marks of Existence

by Cassandra Passarelli


​The Three Marks characterise all existence. Change, dissatisfaction and questions of identity lie at the core of this collection. Passarelli's fiction engages with these themes, not to mire but to free us from suffering. Each story, born of an obsession with a moment, nudges us toward the liminal space where literature and spirituality converge. Nothing is eternal, but the truths touched on in these pages will endure long beyond the reading of them. 

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About Sea Crow Press

Sea Crow Press is an award-winning woman-run independent book publisher based on Cape Cod in Massachusetts committed to amplifying voices that might otherwise go unheard. We publish creative nonfiction, literary fiction, and poetry. Our books celebrate our connection to each other and to the natural world with a focus on positive change and great storytelling.

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